Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Captain Taniwha - What happens next ?

As the shark got closer and closer Captain Taniwha was screaming his little head off, he had to think quick. Mr Taniwha then realised he had his snot ray gun on him. Mr Taniwha reacted very quickly and blasted the great white with sticky slimy BOGGERS !

Mr Taniwha could hear sirens in the back round "Bugger!" He shouted.

"Well well well, Captain Taniwha," said the water policeman.

"Yes officer," mumbled Captain Taniwha.

"We better get this over and done with," Said the officer, as he pulled out his breathiliser. Mr Taniwha blew on the tube.

"Mr Taniwha I am afraid to say you are 1 snotogram over the limit, I now require you to hop out of you car, any words you say will be used against you in your court sentence.

That was the end of Captain Taniwha.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Term 1 Art sample

Print making reflection

To create a stamp you need to, first get a black and white picture taken of your face, then cello tape down your picture to the meat tray, next trace the outline of your face onto the paper stuck to the meat tray, and last of all carefully remove your picture to reveal your stamp.

The tools you need for making a print are, an A4 piece of paper, for your print to be stamped on, you need a roller, so you can spread the paint onto the ice cream lid and to paint your stamp, an ice cream lid, something you can put the paint on and so you can spread the paint out, some newspapers, to protect the table from paint and finally your stamp, so you can paint something and put something onto the paper.

I like the turnout of my print because, I thought it looked better than I expected it to look.

I would like to change the colour of the paint so it would be a different colour and it may look even better.

3 2 1 .... Launch